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Skyper Bruno nulled

Skype Suite 1.0.36

Skype Suite 1.0.36

Skype Suite is a tool you need, there's no doubt about it. The question at hand is wether or not you want to take advantage of its potential to make your business grow. With SS your business will be better than without SS, no discussion. When do you wish to sell more, earn more, and have more free time? If your answer is "Right Now" then choose the plan that best fits your budget.

Версия: Skype Suite 1.0.36
Version : 1.0.36
OS : Windows
Price : $57

  • SS offers you the possibility of becoming your virtual assistant. You can add key words and assign automatic responses for each of them. If this module is activated. When a contact sends you a message, SS checks if any of your pre-assigned keywords is included in the message. If SS detects a keyword, then it'll answer your contact using the default response for the keyword found. For example, if the keyword is “help” and the default response for that keyword was “For technical support please submit a ticket at our support desk in www.mywebsite.com/support” This is a possible scenario:
  • Message sent by a user: Hello I need help
  • Message sent by Skype Suite: For technical support please submit a ticket at our support desk in www.mywebsite.com/support
  • Thus, SS would converse with your user giving them precise instructions. If SS can't find a keyword, then it'll use the default response you've entered for this cases, which could be something like “This is a virtual assistant, at this time we are not available but we will contact you as soon as possible".

Skyper Bruno nulled FREE DOWNLOAD

Категория: Skype Marketing | Просмотров: 413 | Добавил: refbec | Теги: Email, Latest, FREE, seo | Рейтинг: 0.0/0