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Face Dominator 3.1.4 cracked

Face Dominator 3.1.4

Face Dominator 3.1.4

FaceDominator is a tool which is very useful for managing and automating your facebook advertising campaign. Learn more about FaceDominator Features with our Case Studies to help your business.

Версия: Face Dominator 3.1.4
Facebook marketing of your products through Facedominator To Promote Your Product through Wall Using Wall Poster,Manage Group,Photo Tagging,Manage Pages & Fan Page Poster
Version : 3.1.4
OS : Windows

  • FB Event Manager : Complete management of Events on facebook, Scrape users, Ask users to join it, etc.
  • Customize Your Account : You can upload accounts,Check active and deactive accounts of facebook to upload a huge text file of accounts easily change the accout profile name and language of the accounts.
  • Fanpage Manager : It can create Fanpage automatically or with your custom data. You can also use your keywords and categories to create pages
  • Friend Adder :You can add targeted friends in your account. Targeting can be done based on Geo-Location or from fanpages.
  • Wall Poster : You can post your message on the wall of friends or walls of fanpages with your targated keywords.
  • Group Manager : you can invite your friends to join the groups,send request to groups,Post photo,url and messages on groups easily.
  • Supports IP Proxies : It support both private and public proxies for all its features. You can also use Hide my Ass VPN to use with this tool.
  • Automatic Captcha : It support Decaptcher.com and Deathbycaptcha.com for decoding captcha
  • Auto Group Joiner
  • Group Scraper
  • Fans Scraper
  • Multithreaded & Proxy Support
  • Group Campaign Manager
  • Group Request Manager

Face Dominator 3.1.4 cracked FREE DOWNLOAD

Категория: Facebook Marketing | Просмотров: 505 | Добавил: refbec | Теги: google, Marketing, Latest, Full free | Рейтинг: 0.0/0